I still have problems sleeping. Here I am, enjoying my summer vacation and still, it takes me forever to unwind at night. I'm a night person, I know that. Look at me now. I'm here writing while my beloved is snoozing away. But even after I finish my nightly writing, I still lie there at night and worry.
About work. About what's going to happen with the next elections. What's going on with my friends. Sleep doesn't come quickly.
Even my meditation (not this daily writing, but the actual sitting down and letting go) has been interupted. My mind wanders and cannot focus this summer. Last summer? Not a problem. I sat everyday without incident. This year? Nada.
What am I so worried about? I feel fine, damn good, if you were to ask me. Been exercising everyday and finally doing some creative writing. I have time to cook and clean. Walk the dog. Even lost a few pounds.
I can honestly say I am well.
Then bed time comes. I lie there everynight and stare at the dark, hearing every noise and whatnot. Is such maliase the sign of something bigger going on? Am I attuned to something just beyond human existence? A listlessness that is all pervasive?
I will survive, of this I can be sure. I will eventually sleep. The benefit too, of summer is that I can sleep in, which I do. I even treat myself to naps when my chores are done for the day.
Poe once said, "sleep. Those little slices of death. How I loathe them."
Perhaps I'm merely suffering for my art, the problem with having a creative mind. Anyone else experience this?
So I keep writing. Maybe one day, I'll sleep well. I miss it too. There was a time when i would keep a sleep journal, complete with a dream annotation. Maybe I should try again. Just like Joseph in the Bible. I could interpret dreams.
*I know this is not a movie review, but there's something I've noticed these last few days. I write my movie review and then I'm geared up to write creatively. It's as if I warm-up to writing, so that's why I'm here and back to my Zen meditations and poetry book. Thanks for you time. I think I'm ready now. I'm not, after all, ready for bed.
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