Wednesday, September 28, 2011
And Then Autumn Arrived
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Borders employees list complaints, grievances | Shelf Life |
Being a bookie regular, I had to appreciate this. My favorite? “We’re going to Barnes and Nobles!” Please, please do. I’m sad to see the demise of the bookstore in general, but, hey, there’s always the library! Seriously, keep reading. Especially since next week is the “Banned Book Week!” Enjoy the LINK:
Borders employees list complaints, grievances | Shelf Life |
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Warrior Film Review
Movie Review
I used to box, but I wasn't very good at all, I hate to admit. I detested jumping around, especially jumping rope, but here's the thing--I was thinner then any other time. Your body does respond. Then I got married and wasn't allowed to spar any more. Not that it mattered. I only sparred three times. Two of those times was against my female kickboxing coach.
Yes, she kicked my ass.
But the experience was completely meditative. No, seriously. There's something to be said that, when you're in the ring, nothing else really matters. You had a shitty day at work? You might not want to dwell on that. That fucknut who cut in front of you in the line at Disney World? Remember, you do, technically, have the ability to kill him. However, when there’s a fist or two heading towards your head, you can’t really think about those kinds of things.
I miss boxing. I don't know if I could ever go back in my current state, really. And movies like Warriors proves that. Made by Gavin O'Conner it is, basically, a Rocky movie. I mean, seriously. His other claim to fame, Miracle, was about the American ice hockey team, a longshot in the Olympics being the underdog and kicking the asses of Soviet team.Watch one of these movies, watch them all. The only difference? This one stars two men who are slightly beyond physically fit. One of the brothers, played by the cocky Brit Tom Hardy (who is doing his best self promoting by admitting bisexuality and then denyting it for some reason)was in the military. So his deltoids get a free pass.
Wait...let me see him again. Okay NOW he gets a free pass.
The other, a pseudo newcomer named Joel Edgerton , I only recognized from the Star Wars Cash Cow prequels. But his pecs are in full glory here. They say the camera adds weight. This youth must look like a glorified telephone pole in reality.
I noticed, in today's day and age, when the poor getting poorer by the second, bloodsport, for many starving men, might be the only way out of debt in front of the plutocrats. So there's even a timeliness angle.
I'm thinking I enjoyed this movie. I came for the eye candy and was impressed.
And I know it. Being in that ring is heavy business. I merely just boxed. Getting hit, anywhere, even with training is painful and drags energy. Mixed martial arts are just as bad, if not worse. These sports require zero pads and a special kind of person. I can only imagine the kind of character a person would be required to have before doing something that painful. Did this movie capture that? With the beautifully thin physics high school teacher? No, honestly. The fact is, in an attempt to be honest and straightforward, they nixed certain realities. One here and there is a gimmie, but to the point where I found my mind wondering in the slower points. How could a teacher stay that thin without coaching something? How can a person go AWOL from the Marines and only be found when he appears on television? Such gaps made the film show up in the nadir of movies, the September release.
I do, however, feel that there is more going on here that is on the screen. I want to see all of these people do more. There’s breathing room to be had. I look forward to it.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11 Anniversary: World Remembers, Reflects On September 11th
Look, I have a friend who has posted 32 different videos about September 11th. I guess we all mourn and remember things in different ways. But, well, really? I’m sad and blue today, to be sure, but having angst rubbed in my face isn’t going to cure the nation. Still, as I ask to you to remember the date—the purpose behind it still is not defined. We are still, as a people, reeling and mulling for an answer.
9/11 Anniversary: World Remembers, Reflects On September 11th
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Wisconsin Official Instructs Staff Not To Mention Free IDs For Voting
You do realize, of course, Wisconsin was the first state to pass a state-wide gay-rights ordinance in the seventies. Then this happens! Seriously? Believe it or not, I’m fine with the showing of IDs. I’m NOT fine with trying to get money for nothing. I’d tell everyone, frankly.
Wisconsin Official Instructs Staff Not To Mention Free IDs For Voting
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