Look, I don’t have a true issue with English being the
official language of America, I don’t, really.
It makes sense. Most countries have an official language and it’s more
for business purposes. You work here, you need to have a common language. It
doesn’t really matter that English is considered the only class five language
in the world, but, hey, difficulty with learning (I’ve been teaching it for
years) it, shouldn’t be the concern.
What is the concern? Implementation. Look. I LOVE English.
Easiest the best and most worthwhile subject in the world, in my book. I loved
the classes. And it’s surely taken a hit over the years. Standardized testing,
no matter what the BigWigs want us to believe, does NOT measure English AT
ALL. English has too many choices, like
I said, it’s a class five here folks. So? We can’t really use it to measure
anything. I’ve met some of the most intelligent people on the planet, who
cannot write in English. So it would be a poor measure to use towards
intelligence. But with that, I see making it an official language like using it
as a weapon. Now? Idiots standing at the border screaming, “go home!” can now
say, “Learn English!”
Great. That’d be motivating. Sure..create hatred in a group
of people who are down on their luck. We insist they love the sword-the sword
we’re going to use to cut their throats.
Could we make a system where, upon understanding English in a remedial
assessment, they’re granted full citizenship? And let’s use a test that
actually tests English, not one of these government tests they use at the
schools to see how they can close districts…you know, one written by people who
know English?
Wait. No one actually knows English. Those who seem to have
a beef about learning English tend to be the ones who suffered under it so
much. They tend to be the ones who scream and yell about it not being used
enough, anywhere. Yet they can’t seem to
even type.
Is there research to support my observations? No, I’m sure
there’s not. But what I have seen is that English is more of a concept than
really insisting on…”you need to learn English.” The concept is, “we have
another reason to kick you out!”
What can we do? I say this, continue English in the schools.
We have to. And get the kids to assimilate the language.
Offer free classes whenever possible, taught by people who
can help with cultural differences. If they’re Russians, have a Russian teach
it. Stuff like that.
Make it a requirement and part of the immigration process.
Ten classes or something.
And, on a side note, there’s a perfectly legitmate way to
becoming an American citizen. If people are avoiding that manner, the reason
needs to be examined. If we’re having an
immigration issue, that would be the cue. Of course, from my understanding,
there isn’t the issue that so many other countries are having. In fact, our
system is so rigourous, many other countries adopt our systems—but, is it cash?
Is it too expensive? Is it the fact that they don’t have a job yet?
Humorously, I love the fact that they can’t be taking a job
that an American can fill. How many Americans want to be a maid for a living?
None of you. Don’t say you do. Just sayin’….
I guess I saw what so many of ancestors had to go through to
get here. I can see where they are going with the yelling and the screaming.
But that doesn’t fix a problem. That just makes people shut down and be mean.
The dialogue, in English or otherwise, needs to change in format.
And stop using my beloved English as a weapon. It’s a tool,
alright, but there are better ways of helping people learn than by threatening