Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Make it so…

A Very Happy New Year, my dear readers. I’ve slacked off a bit, to be sure, but such is the nature of the holidays. I assure, writing and blogging are part of my New Year’s Resolutions. My friend in Mn has taken up an editing business and is badgering me to give him some business. This is a good thing. Maybe I will.

I’m not sure if I’ll do a novel this year, but I do think that writing will factor, heavily, in this upcoming new year. I find that putting my foibles, fears, frights and hopes onto paper in the form of either journaling, blogging or fiction really does keep them at bay. It’s very hard to explain to people. It’s like if I keep the dark side of my humanity out in the open, out where myself and others can see it, I can make good happen in the world.

I also noticed something else in my novels. I write such an extensive background on characters, that I never do anything with them, as if they were some kind of fine china. You can’t do that in the horror genre. People die. There’s an ongoing threat that has to antagonist their daily existence.

Lesson learned.

One thing that might aggravate y’all dear readers, is that I will continue to blog via the shit I read on the web. The fact is, I have a Live Writer installed here on my PC and when I find things of interest, it’s easy to tap it and go into writing mode. I find that it is very inspirational and helpful to keeping my muse in motion. So if you have a problem with it, fuck off. I’m the author. You can start your own damn blog. It’s important that I keep writing, period.

You guys? Stay well this upcoming year. I’ll keep authoring.



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