Thursday, July 03, 2014

To Write or Not to Write about this....

I hate coming here.

No, not this blog. This is something I’ve been meaning to do for quite some time right now. I need to blog more. The fact is, life has sorta gotten away from me and it has become, finally, Summer Break. What can I do?  I gotta write. I want to work on my novel. Really, it’s the priority.  And that’s why I’ve not been here, blogging. But today? Today’s special. The Penelope monster is at the PetSmart, having her day at the spa, getting all pretty-like with the wonderful Miss Chelsea.

And the only coffeehouse is his shittyass Joe Mugg’s. I mean, really. Old candy at the counter. Bad coffee.

And no fucking free wifi.

So I can’t even post this shit up until I get home. If I remember. Half the reason I go to coffeehouses and the like is because it gets me away from the distractions that having a life tend to offer, like laundry, letting the dog out, and making lesson plans. I go out? I can actually just sit and focus on what’s important. The writing. And, with my headphones on, I’m pretty much in my own little world. But this place?

What a crock.

Joe Muggs is located with a Books-A-Million. The only bookstore in the north part of this very Southern County. You know the stereotype. That Southerners don’t read at all. Here’s your evidence.

Not a single fucking bookstore for miles. There’s one Barnes and Nobles in the Villiages. Another hour from here. Which means that the corgilou would be stuck at Miss Chelsea’s, whining that no one loves her just a bit longer than most times.

But this Books-A-Million is one of those dank, dark discount bookstores that sells crap moreso than books. Thank Fate for my Nook (which also doesn’t connect to the wifi) and the online world.   So I am worried about working on my book a bit, since I tend to save it on the cloud. But the wifi here? Pay for use. Seriously. Disney World? American Libraries?

FUCKING McDONALD’S….all of them free.

I guess I should run over there, come to think of it. There’s one nearby.

Thanks folks. I’m an idiot.
But there was a point I had whilst I was here.

I’ve been contemplating a lot about some things about Gay Rights and I’ve had a change of some feelings.

I’m discovering that that I’m more moderate than I realized.

1. Check out his display ten yards from my crusty cabaret table.  It’s Dang Duck Dynasty. I posted it about it on It upset me greatly. How many people supported them and their “Freedom of Speech.”  Even my own brother. Yes, a glorious middle finger at his younger brother; a prime example of why I left Colorado many moons ago. Now when Paula Deen make such comments about race? She was vilified and hung out to dry. Freedom of Speech? Nada. But put down the gays? You get a display case in the middle of the store.   Yes, I find it offensive. But that’s my personal issue. You don’t have to take it down. But it will limit what I buy here.

2. Here’s the tic. I posted a reminder on Facebook, that, ahem, I’m a flaming flamer. Gay as tiara on a Tuesday.  Everyone either forgets or doesn’t want to acknowledge this vital part of my existence. Instead, family and friends ran to support those individuals on that “reality” program, regardless of the fact that those individuals put me down and reminded my family and friends that I would rot.  More “Freedom of Speech.”  I learned who my family and friends truly were.

3. Now there’s those laws in Arizona, so that groups can put down the gays and not be followed upon or sued. Interesting. It doesn’t seem to matter that there’s already, written into the constitution about Freedom of Religion. You can fire a hot blonde dude for being gay at your work. He has no rights or recourse. Try firing them because they go to church. You can’t. Not at all. (This was written before the Hobby Lobby quaqmire)

Yet they feel the need to make another law. It stems from the fact some people have refused to serve a gay person’s wedding and they were sued.  In other words, they feel threatened.

How? Has there never been a Christian president? Has there been a huge sweeping of Christian bashing?   Does my mere existence threaten them? No more than any other sinner, I like to think.


Okay, so let me ponder this puppy a bit more. I guess, the title for this section is meant to be dirty. I means, it is not okay for those above us to discriminate, but we, the peons, should have choices.

Where does that leave those in the middle? I’m not too sure.

I refuse to go to ChicFilA, no matter how much my coworkers love to go there and remind me of my place in the world. So, I elect to discriminate, I guess, on the basis of shitty chicken. And they have the right to do so as well.  But the top means the government. I am to move freely within the confines of the government. And that means the government needs to see me as a person. They should give money to organizations that put me down, no?

Well, they shouldn’t give money at all, frankly, but that’s me.

So? The top, downwards, shouldn’t discriminate.

Those of us on the bottom? We should be able to choose on where we do business.

Isn’t that already happening, however?

I am really at a loss here. I sound so much like a hypocrite and it bothers me to no end. I choose not to buy books here or chicken over there. But they can’t have the same kinds of choices as well? Or should they?
Personally? No. I don’t think they get a choice. But shouldn’t they have one? Again…where the heck are my lawyer buddies. I’d ask my friends, but they’re all on party lines and like to yell and hurt each other feelings, making sure neither will side with the other.

Look at these photos, from right here….I thought I’d take a walk, since my conservative friends and allies do tell me they feel just has persecuted as I do.  That they have no rights to anything. So,when I saw this Duck Dynasty, I figured I’d walk over and take a look around.   How discriminated are they?  Having been discriminated against both with having Jewish parents and being gay, I'm a bit sensitive. I even work with minority students. I see their pain.  I understand it.

I found Bibles. Okay, a popular book. Unrestricted purchasing power to get them. Christian Living. Inspirational Christian books in fiction. In fact, I found four aisles of books.


So? I elected to look at the magazines. 28 different Christian magazines.


I went to look a gay and lesbian magazines.

Two. A whopping two.

Now, this isn’t scientific, Dear Readers, I know that. But I think that if a group is going to claim being oppressed, their evidence is lacking.  Media? Sure. Gays are making strides and are on the news nightly. But established institutions, race, religion, gender, are as well, but not in the numbers we would see in, say, like the sixties. And, in that, I’m beginning to wonder, if the “feeling” of oppression is probably more due to mass consumption than realities. My straight friends, I’ve noticed, never get mocked or stared at Disney World and have never been thrown out of some place.

But, I could be missing something. Maybe they were…but was it for wearing a cross?

I guess I did write something. I’m just trying to understand. Like I said, I’m beginning to feel like a hypocrite. I choose not to watch Fox. But does that mean certain companies have the right to not serve me? Like this place does, er, doesn’t?

Just something I’m pondering. I’m far from right on the subject.


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