I feel, since other people are, hopefully, going to read this, I need to say something, anything important. But it's not like I've seen any movies lately or there's something happening in the world that I feel I have enough acumen to make comment on.
One thing I do want to make comment on? Gay marriage. I support it. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why this is an issue. Let's take a look at the arguments, one after another.
It's in congruent with the Bible--this very well be true. But there are several faults with this argument.
1. The segments that people quote deal with a code of living (Code of Leviticus, I believe it's called) that also includes the improvishment of women and even mentions burning a cow before those who are non Christians. But, as typical, no one is looking to the entire piece, just the parts to oppress. They could argue back that the reason they are not burning cows is due to their participation in the Atkins diet, but that would mean they are straying away from the Bible in the first place.
And Jesus, by the way, said nothing of homosexuality. Aren't we to be following His example?
2. Separation of church and state. No one religion should dictate the leanings of government. Of course, Iraq eliminated this with their Baath government some time ago, sadly replacing it with a totalitarian regime. And now, from what it sounds like, they are moving to a theocracy with one major religion making the majority. Um, what?
I was on a tangent there, sorry.
Anyhow, this second point kinda clears the board for people to really think and find a reason to suppress freedom for all Americans.
It destroys marriage as we know it.
I just have to laugh at this one. The only thing I can think of that has done the most damage to marriage is the Boomer Generation. Born into free love, they decided against it when they actually had to pay for their kids in the 80's and 90's. I'm a Gen Xer and I grew up with all of my friends having different homes to go to every weekend and the wonderful world of stepparenting.
And now these BoomerBozos have taken the reigns of government. They have created their problems and are now throwing it onto the next generation.
It will lead to the legalization of pedophilia, etc.
1. This is a slippery slope. Let's take a look at some other examples of this in action. For the years, the Republican guard have tried to remove abortion. Without success, they then started to detail specific kinds and outlaw them. Their thinking is that at a later date, they can say, "See? You let this happen--but not that..It's all or nothing, pal."
After Columbine, stricter laws were established to limit gun usage.
And there are still guns.
Law is an annoying slow process that has a very specific language. Every items is deducted on a case-by-case basis, so it is impossible to say that how one law will change another.
2. And most of all, there is something called consent. If the marriage is to be legal, then both parties must consent to it. But the opposition to gay marriage is unclear. How does this lead to pedophilia? Suddenly people will want to marry children? To classify them both is to ridiculous.
Marriage is create families for the purpose of having children.
This one is joke as well. My aunt never had children and was married. So is she to jailed for breaking the law? When you look at Catholic doctrine, you will see a profuse mention of having children. No wonder they outlawed touching ones' self and women going out to have jobs. They were a minority at one point. They needed offspring to carry on the religion! Think of the Mormons. They allowed multiple wives for the same purpose. More kids the more to baptize and keep in the faith forever!
Oh no, we mentioned religion again, and if we remember prior--separate church and state.
Okay, okay, so marriage doesn't have to be about children. Besides, a recent study shows that the wonderful, divorce-full homes created by the Boomers have created very normal children, even if both parents were home or not. Weird, huh.
The legalization of gay marriage is confounding to me. I cannot see why it isn't legal. It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with making sure that everyone is seen equally under the eyes of the law.
My soapbox just flipped.
There, I said something important. This was spawned by my Tao poem for today, which was about 'Views.' We all have them. So I thought I would talk about my view on something.
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