Saturday, July 07, 2012

You Would Never Believe Which Anti Gay Corporations You've Been Supporting With Your Money

I was torn where to post this….but then I realized, well, it should go where I have the most traffic…

You Would Never Believe Which Anti Gay Corporations You've Been Supporting With Your Money

What’s humorous is that I have refused to go to many of these companies, regardless.

1.  Chikfila? I’ve hated their food and now, moreso.

2.  Exxon? Easy to avoid.

3.  Avoid those bell ringers at Salvation Army. I knew, back in the early nineties when they would refuse to help people suffering from AIDS, regardless of orientation. Boom. Off my list.

4.  Urban Outfitters only has clothes for thin people anyways.

5.  I’ve hated WalMart for other reasons. They’re the reason so many are on welfare and the need for insurance reform. They refuse to pay decent wages. They refuse unions, to the point where they’ll close a store where there is one and open another up the street and not hire those people. We went there once in 2011, due to the fact it was 2am and the dog was sick and I had no other place to go.  It was awful, just awful. I wanted to stab myself in the eyes with rusty kitchenware.

6.  A-1 storage? Never heard of them. Now I won’t go to them.




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