Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Study demonstrates health benefits of coming out of the closet

I could have pointed this out. But, well, then it would have been my opinion, as opposed to fact. When we moved down here to Florida, and I made the personal decision to not be in the closet in any way, any more, it was like a huge weight had been lifted. I sleep all night. I don’t worry about how I speak.

Okay, well, I still say,”fuck” ALOT, but beyond that? No more wondering with whom I’ve used the incorrect pronoun. Instead, I could focus on what I was doing.

I would hate to see that my love for my husOtter was an irritation instead of a joyous celebration. For all the family spats it might bring up, its still being close to who I am….



Study demonstrates health benefits of coming out of the closet

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Boy Scouts Considering Lifting Ban On Gay Scouts, Leaders : The Two-Way : NPR

Time’s a bit limited this morning, but this gives me hope. I’ve always loved the way the Girl Scouts do this—handle diversity. But I always feared, if I had a son, what I would say to him. “No, you can’t join them…even though I like the skills they teach, I can’t allow you in there.”

That’s not fair to him.

I hope this works out.


Boy Scouts Considering Lifting Ban On Gay Scouts, Leaders : The Two-Way : NPR

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inauguration 2013: Obama addresses gays, compromise, climate change -

Finally. It’s a baby-step, and, of course, a political move, I’m sure, but a good one. To be considered part of the whole—that’s a huge experience. My conservative colleagues, yes, there are a few, still screamed and yelled.

As they should, frankly, for this is America.

But have yet to offer me much in terms of my freedoms. In fact, many cannot come up with an answer. Will this President really stand by his words, should the time come?

I can only hope. But now I have evidence, right here, on my blog, that he said it. And that’s darntootin’ good.


Inauguration 2013: Obama addresses gays, compromise, climate change -

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rick Santorum Blames Colleges For “Indoctrinating” Students Against Christianity

I am not an atheist. I am not a agnostic. In fact, that’s place for a discussion I’ll continue here perhaps later. My criticism here has to do with organized religion. Sometimes, MANY times, faith can provide comfort and help. 

But at what price?

I’ve notice a trend, much more evident down here in the Deep South, where they are trying to kill education. Since the GOP needs voters, as it’s antiquated ideals are being snuffed out by things like science and common sense, it needs to kill education. Just like during slavery times, if the groups can read, they’ll rise up. So? Florida is doing its best to dismantle education. There are no benefits packages for teachers. They don’t build no buildings for the staff. The union is being held underwater. Anything to make teaching worse.

And they can play up the charter schools, the private schools. That way, only the wealthy in certain areas can keep their kids away from minorities and still moving up through the system.

At least, that’s what it seems like. All of these things are happening down here in the Deep South.

And this little ditty from Frothy Mix. It just sealed the deal and my suspicions. 

Christianity, heck, the whole concept of “faith” is built on the ideal that—without evidence, you hold something to be true. Scientific processes and observations can kill that. Now Buddhists? The Dali Lama himself mentioned that if science proves something to be true, then his faith must change. Catholics, something people don’t seem to notice, accept evolution and have for some time.

But Frothy Mix? What a yutz.

Getting kids to think for themselves is a bad thing. Because if you think for yourself-you probably will come to the conclusion that the GOP is a lying bag of shitballs.

If you haven’t already.



Rick Santorum Blames Colleges For “Indoctrinating” Students Against Christianity

Monday, January 14, 2013

Golden Globes 2013 Jodie Foster the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Award - YouTube

Quite honestly, one of the best American actresses came out last night at the Golden Globes. An amazing body of work precedes her. I wish we didn’t have to celebrate or even work at-coming out. I wish we could just be. But those who are famous, it means so much to those kids who look up to you, to be acknowledged that we aren’t alone.

She’s incredible. And I think I should honor her, yet again. For her work and for heroism.

Good for her.



Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dwyer opens up on his drinking and recovery - Top Stories

The irony of this article is surprising. Basically, he gets drunk, crashes his boat and hurts his family.

Then he blames same-sex marriage. 

Dear Fate, where do these people come from?


Dwyer opens up on his drinking and recovery - Top Stories

Monday, January 07, 2013

Shakesville: Quote of the Day

I’m not sure what Mr. Dobson is so upset about. Since he doesn’t have a “political organiztion,” why the heck should he care about elections? He’s still aloud to be a foul-mouthed bigot and prater to a flock that, if educated, would probably rise up and shoot him in the head.

He can still go to church. He can still be a schmuck. What the heck is he complaining about?

Oh. I see it now. He’s naming an enemy so that said flock will go aghast and hand him funds for another nice car.

What a yutz.



Shakesville: Quote of the Day

Friday, January 04, 2013

Straight Up Thanks: Straight Allies for Gay Rights | Dan Savage: American Savage | TakePart TV - YouTube



I don’t always agree with Danny, but I do listen to him. A well thought out answer is a well thought out answer. And I agree with him. Thanks….



Thursday, January 03, 2013

Al Jazeera Seeks a U.S. Voice Where Gore Failed -

I hate and love the power of the media. We, for one, need the news. We deserve to hear with our own ears the heralds of information. It’s even an amendment to our Constitution. However, with private corporations like Disney and Fox (which is held by the Saudis, believe it or not…) holding the reigns, all news will be forever tainted. I mean, seriously. ABC is broadcasting news between commercials for their Parks, not the other way around.  Think about it.

It’s why I tend to listen to information from National Public Radio, which is openly funded or the BBC. I find that the length of experience from the BBC makes it a much more worthy news source.

So now this? Gore? I once voted for you, you schmuck. You are an environmentalist—and you just sold your company to some of the largest polluters in the world! Yes, Al Jazeera is from Qatar, but they are park of the Persian regimes, are they not?

Now that this angst has passed, I can see why, on the opposite foot, Al Jazeera wanted a foothold in the U.S. It’s the one market they can’t crack for obvious reasons. Maybe this is their ticket.

HEre’s the other thing, they’re much, much more global than we realize. THey are very much like the BBC and are likely to be just as conservative. I, for one, am curious how this will play out.

In the meanwhile? Folks…shoot your television. At least for a little while.



Al Jazeera Seeks a U.S. Voice Where Gore Failed -

Defense Of Marriage Act: House Republicans Tie Federal Gay Marriage Ban To House Rules

You know? I try, really, really try to be open minded. I really want to think that, deep down most who follow the GOP don’t follow their angry rhetoric and are merely victims who just don’t like the status quo. That, in the end, given what’s happening now, they have no other choice but to vote GOP. Makes sense, right? Because no one really does hate.

Then I moved to the South. Where several of my coworkers have openly told me of their distain for my existence.

But they still ask how my husband is.


So it’s with great, great trepidation that I look at anything related to the GOP. It’s the same expression I would give to the cult followers. Like they just needed SOMETHING to feel whole.

And, to some extent, I understand why (however, I don’t agree) they are holding out against the fiscal cliff. You just can’t back down sometimes. Of course, compromise would be a great alternative, but, for some reason, that’s not an option.


*) Cut the budget for Hurricane Sandy Relief. Christ Christie has jumped all over that.


I just came further out of the closet. I can’t believe this. I figured they’d gloss over that, finish what they were doing and move on. Nope, nope, nope.

Even they eventually turned and supported the LGBT community, I don’t know why we’d want to.


Defense Of Marriage Act: House Republicans Tie Federal Gay Marriage Ban To House Rules

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Norton Ends Left-Handed Drought with PBA Chameleon Championship Title | Professional Bowlers Association

Read the article: then tell me who the gay bowler is.

In other words? ESPEN did it right—there’s no mention of it.


Norton Ends Left-Handed Drought with PBA Chameleon Championship Title | Professional Bowlers Association

Make it so…

A Very Happy New Year, my dear readers. I’ve slacked off a bit, to be sure, but such is the nature of the holidays. I assure, writing and blogging are part of my New Year’s Resolutions. My friend in Mn has taken up an editing business and is badgering me to give him some business. This is a good thing. Maybe I will.

I’m not sure if I’ll do a novel this year, but I do think that writing will factor, heavily, in this upcoming new year. I find that putting my foibles, fears, frights and hopes onto paper in the form of either journaling, blogging or fiction really does keep them at bay. It’s very hard to explain to people. It’s like if I keep the dark side of my humanity out in the open, out where myself and others can see it, I can make good happen in the world.

I also noticed something else in my novels. I write such an extensive background on characters, that I never do anything with them, as if they were some kind of fine china. You can’t do that in the horror genre. People die. There’s an ongoing threat that has to antagonist their daily existence.

Lesson learned.

One thing that might aggravate y’all dear readers, is that I will continue to blog via the shit I read on the web. The fact is, I have a Live Writer installed here on my PC and when I find things of interest, it’s easy to tap it and go into writing mode. I find that it is very inspirational and helpful to keeping my muse in motion. So if you have a problem with it, fuck off. I’m the author. You can start your own damn blog. It’s important that I keep writing, period.

You guys? Stay well this upcoming year. I’ll keep authoring.


Some Things Are Just Disturbing

 I mean, like, why? Why does such crap and drivel like The Human Centipede exist. Well? It's probably like porn. Where everyone tires t...