I am not an atheist. I am not a agnostic. In fact, that’s place for a discussion I’ll continue here perhaps later. My criticism here has to do with organized religion. Sometimes, MANY times, faith can provide comfort and help.
But at what price?
I’ve notice a trend, much more evident down here in the Deep South, where they are trying to kill education. Since the GOP needs voters, as it’s antiquated ideals are being snuffed out by things like science and common sense, it needs to kill education. Just like during slavery times, if the groups can read, they’ll rise up. So? Florida is doing its best to dismantle education. There are no benefits packages for teachers. They don’t build no buildings for the staff. The union is being held underwater. Anything to make teaching worse.
And they can play up the charter schools, the private schools. That way, only the wealthy in certain areas can keep their kids away from minorities and still moving up through the system.
At least, that’s what it seems like. All of these things are happening down here in the Deep South.
And this little ditty from Frothy Mix. It just sealed the deal and my suspicions.
Christianity, heck, the whole concept of “faith” is built on the ideal that—without evidence, you hold something to be true. Scientific processes and observations can kill that. Now Buddhists? The Dali Lama himself mentioned that if science proves something to be true, then his faith must change. Catholics, something people don’t seem to notice, accept evolution and have for some time.
But Frothy Mix? What a yutz.
Getting kids to think for themselves is a bad thing. Because if you think for yourself-you probably will come to the conclusion that the GOP is a lying bag of shitballs.
If you haven’t already.
Rick Santorum Blames Colleges For “Indoctrinating” Students Against Christianity
1 comment:
It's a widely-believed thing that all education indoctrinates kids into the liberal brainwashing. I don't see it, but the Right holds this to be absolutely true.
I also don't see faith and science as necessary enemies, but if you believe the bible verbatim (universe created in 6 days lasting 24 hours) I can see how it could be a problem. I don't see it that way, so it meshes nicely for me.
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