I mean, really. This? Okay, I’m glad they FINALLY closed down and sent those people who really just need to meet me and my friends for lunch out to the hinterlands.
*) basically created a sin
*) profited from it
*) created self-loathing that will stick in the craw of the throat of anyone who attended such things
*) bought several yachts and used some of the cash their little church earned to buy votes to keep themselves open.
Apologies? Sure. We’ll accept them. I’m fine with that. But where’s the reparations? It’s like making a Jewish ghetto and then saying, “whoops,” and walking away. The government doesn’t do anything to help those poor men and women? No one sues the shit out of them?
And people say we’re not discriminated against.
I mean, seriously.
It’s like these fuckers, who insist that they’re being discriminated against. They have NO IDEA. And I’m not saying that because I’m queer. No. I’m saying that because my parents are Jewish. I used to sit and chat with my mother’s friend who’d wear long sleeves to hide the tattoo the Nazis placed on her lower arm to mark her as such. I’m saying that because I’ve seen people break into cars at the synagogue to steal and defecate in them during High Holy Days. I work with the Deaf where people have conversations, teasing them, right in front of them. And myself. I’m still not out at all places I work at because of off handed comments and fear of reprisals. I can still get fired.
But I’ll be dang sure I know every single church of my coworkers here in the Deep South.
This video has to be seen. I believe it’s emphasized for comedy, to be sure, but these people are out there.
Exodus International to Shut Down | Exodus International
I'm glad to see them go, too, though splinter groups will unfortunately survive and reform. I am astonished at the depth of nasty that people are capable of.
Quite big news.
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