First off, sorry about being away from my computer. Family was visiting (which is prone for the course when you live in Florida!) and then I decided I needed a new house.
These things take time, friends, they really do.
I stumbled across this wee map here and I realized I’d not chimed in on the Chik-fil-a debate like everyone else has these days. I knew about Dan Cathy’s belief that the Earth Was Still Flat, Thinking is the Devil’s Work philosophy for a few eons. I never ate there. I refused his food when it was catered.
But, here’s the thing, I let others go there. If they suggested eating there for a meeting-lunch-thing, I’d go, I’d just being my own food. It was really surprising that NOW this is an issue. But when you look back to those beginning moments, before the press actually listened to Yours Truly, I believed that everyone had to make the choice for themselves.
Remember? Taoist here. I cannot control others.
And, for many of my coworkers (I can’t really call them ‘friends,’ can I?) they’d be sensitive to it and, well, stop eating there when I was around.
And my job was done. People, like my students, were learning.
Then came a few weeks ago, when I was talking to my neighbor. I told her that I was scared, still, about being so “OUT” to the world at large. Her response? “Well you have laws that protect you. You just can point out the discrimination.”
“Ah,” this old bear mentioned. “No. There’s no such laws.”
“Yes there is.”
She seemed to think that gays and lesbians have some kind of protection from harassment.
She was shocked when I pointed out that there was no such thing.
And this map proves my point.
Now, I’m writing this on the fly. Normally I’d have all the links of August first, when all the people in the world who hate me and my family went and ordered unnatural food. Not today.
I will point out, however, that my demeanor has changed. Probably going against my adopted religion here, but I’m tired, very tired of this mess. Upon further review, I found out some things about Chik-Fil-A’s CEO-personal Hitler, Dan Cathy. That money? That wasn’t just going to stop gay marriage.
It was going for other things as well….
To make sure Uganda’s kill-the-gays bills continue.
For damaging reparative therapies.
And to make sure my family doesn’t get equal rights.
In fact, my house purchase was held up because I’m married to a man. They didn’t recognize it. So everything got held up.
Now? I let emotion take control.
Chick-fil-a isn’t alone. I’ve published here before of several companies off my shopping list. Salvation Army. Wal-Mart (for nongay reasons as well). But to ruin my ability to live in a free society?
The deal is sealed.
I guess what bothered me the most was my friends, mostly on facebook. How they could say, “its just a sandwich. What about free speech?”
So that 1.99 they had just spent to make my life more difficult? Nice. So they’d be saying that my life, my husband isn’t worth that 1.99.
And I’m the bad guy?
Dannie can say what he wants (I’m sure he’s probably got a few skeletons in his closet, so that could explain volumes to why he’s such a wingnut), but when he starts using his money, then it becomes an issue.
How many teenagers have to die because of this kind of rhetoric? Apparently quite a few.
And I do apologize. I’m sorry my struggle to have equal standing with who are not like me is taking away from your ability to order food.
Whoa. I guess I had some things I wanted to get out there.
Back to your regular scheduled programming.
Peace? I hope so….one day.