Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aesop to the Right: Why I Believe Bristol Palin | Owldolatrous

Go ahead and read. My husOtter made burgers for dinner and those things smell here in the new house. I gotta go light a candle, that’ll afford you a moment. Unless you scream and start clawing out your eyes some. I guess it fits that I read this about chicken (no, not the boy kind, but the breast kind…wait, that doesn’t really work either…) and I’m about to eat hamburger.

I wanna draw attention to something annoying that the bigot who wrote the note initially mentions. That she feels picked on and discriminated against for being a Christian.

As she sees it, during the recent, “let’s let pop culture define what we’re feeling” flare up with Hate-fil-a, she went and got her fried breasts as a way of expressing how angry and put upon people are misjudging her. How she was being called a bigot for just doing what she believes.

Interesting way of looking at it.

Now? It’s time to get all Tao and Zen on her chicken, if I may.

But, ah, forgive me when I point out the obvious here—but if she feels discriminated against, truly, truly feels put out for mere existence, well…

….wouldn’t that mean she understands how it feels to be gay. To be African-American? To be, well, a woman? If it hit her on an emotional level, an empathic level, that means she would understand. She’d not SuperSize her waffle fries and go about how to make this world a better place, because, dangit, she knows what it feels like to be gleefully crapped upon by people you once thought you trusted.

No. She didn’t feel empathy when she was discriminated against. Instead? Strangely, she felt hungry. And that she needed to yell.

Amazing. Grant you, I like to eat when I’m upset too.

But, well, really?



Aesop to the Right: Why I Believe Bristol Palin | Owldolatrous

Campaign launched to oust high court justice


Well, since they’ve been trying a few years now, NOM is working on this again. Lemme draw your attention, however, to something I noticed in this article. 100K is being used to oust a high court justice who basically followed the law.

So if you follow the speed limit, screw it, the churchies are coming for you.

But then I reread the statement. 100K is being used to get a person out of office. Not to give to children starving. Not to enable free counseling for families in crisis; not even for divorce lawyers.

This is the way America is going. Now, on the Right Winger/Red State side of things, they claim that too many people are welfare, so, well, its time to tax them, the middle class but give tax breaks to the wealthy. Okay, so, this money? Who’s giving it to someone in NOM?

Oh. That’s right. People can get a tax break for donating to nonprofits. And since no one seems to have money lying around, it’s a good thing those “job-creators” have some cash lying around.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if the “job-creators” actually created jobs?

So, let’s recap. 100K to take down someone for doing their job.

Numb. I’m numb.


Campaign launched to oust high court justice

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan Virtually A Zero at the Human Rights Campaign | gaycitynews.com

Okay, okay, okay. What do I do this to myself?

Paul Ryan Virtually A Zero at the Human Rights Campaign | gaycitynews.com

I mean, really. It’s like looking at those NSFW videos over on reddit.com and then hoping that it really is? No, it’s like seeing if you have the fortitude to walk away unscathed. Unruffled by the horror presented before you. As if to say, “see? I’m manly enough, that was nothing.”

So I clicked on this link and read the article. Yep. All the horrors there that I expected.

I didn’t see any mention that he still thinks the earth is flat, but, judging by his other choices and comments, we can pretty much figure that one out.

Maybe, however, I went to that webpage to just, I don’t know, hope that he was slightly different than R-Money. That Uncle Mittens would try to play his opposite, to attract more voters, and have someone who didn’t waffle on everything; someone who was slightly more moderate, to get those middle ground voters moving his way.

R-Money, instead, went with the conservative base. Makes sense. Churches bus these people to the polling places, folks.

I wish, deep down, that we’d rid ourselves from the party system, really. Just open up the field and let everyone just go to town. Less money, more personality. Maybe it’s just me, but I like to think that many people vote conservative just because there’s a GOP on the label, frankly. They don’t think. If they did, or, at least, know how to read, they’d not vote for them. It’s like, well, they’re not for Obama, so they vote the opposite, never really thinking. It’s okay NOT to like the president. But really, to vote FOR someone you know is bad, just because they aren’t him? Whoa.

But I know many on the right side, many conservatives (have you seen my family? They think it’s 1954 still); but they aren’t the base that the GOP is pandering too. In fact, I don’t see them in any Republican “way.” But that’s the way they’ve voted; that’s the way they’re going to vote.

And people wonder why I stopped going over there for the holidays.


So, yeah, there was this glimmer of hope, quickly dashed, that Mr. Ryan might have something nice to say.

I hate being an “one-issue” voter. But until I feel equal, I float to the side that will respect my marriage with fortitude.



Friday, August 10, 2012

NOM Defends Biblical Marriage, Including Slavery, Concubines, Polygamy, And Rape | ThinkProgress


NOM Defends Biblical Marriage, Including Slavery, Concubines, Polygamy, And Rape | ThinkProgress

I have long wondered about the misleading title, “National Organization of Marriage.” It’s mission, according to it’s website, is a bit nebulous. I see Kirk Cameron, many things about keeping marriage going and, well, that’s about it. My guess is that the group likes marriage between man and a woman, but it claims to defend Biblical marriage.

Okay, cool, I understand that. But further investigation of the website shows nothing about the leading causes of marriage breakdown that research supports. Divorce doesn’t seem to be mentioned (it is a text rich site). There are no mention of the three leading causes of divorce in America:  lack of communication (most men and women are brought up with unrealistic expectations of the partnership and few have the coping skills to help it survive); money (the largest, IMHO); and cheating.  So, to combat that National Organization of Marriage goes ahead and…

…fights gay marriage?

Not only that, they swear they are upholding the Biblical version of marriage. The ones listed, if you wish for a quick glance (there is nothing quick about marriage…), there’s a infographic imbedded in the article that spawned my writing.

I’m all for old books giving us insight into the present. In fact, I do believe the Bible has a great many things to say about our life at present. We shouldn’t kill, period. No more wars, people. Heck, I read Taoist poetry. That’s even older than the Bible. But I find the meaning of it. I don’t have someone do it for me.

But really, no more shellfish?  Okay, for my friend who’s allergic, I’ll give you that; my dad, who is Jewish, him, too. 

No more pork? WHAT? What about ribs????

Ahh, those principals illustrate an outdated system. So those they can pick and choose to avoid.

But marriage is a different kettle of fish, right?

The fact is, when the Bible was written, it was meant when there were few Christians in the world. They needed to create the rules to keep everyone having babies. Take a look at it. No touching yourselves; no contraceptives. Makes sense. And since gays can’t make the newer Christians, they should be outlawed, right?

David Cross has a great comment about the Bible:

David Cross

It just bothers me to no end that people are still having issues with my marriage. I would rather they say, “you’re gross Roo!  I don’t like the idea of two men being together!” Than using the Good Book to make others hate me for no reason at all.

Colorado had protections for gays and lesbians in the workplace and housing until 1992, and no one said a word about it. Then, because someone needed a platform—and didn’t want to deal with economy or job creation-amendment two was written and voted for. No one cared until that point. And it has been happening again and again.


So, if you eat at Chick-fil-hate or follow NOM, I guess your version of marriage is going to be very, very different from the rest of the world.


Friday, August 03, 2012

Something to consider..



First off, sorry about being away from my computer. Family was visiting (which is prone for the course when you live in Florida!) and then I decided I needed a new house.

These things take time, friends, they really do.

I stumbled across this wee map here and I realized I’d not chimed in on the Chik-fil-a debate like everyone else has these days. I knew about Dan Cathy’s belief that the Earth Was Still Flat, Thinking is the Devil’s Work philosophy for a few eons. I never ate there. I refused his food when it was catered.

But, here’s the thing, I let others go there. If they suggested eating there for a meeting-lunch-thing, I’d go, I’d just being my own food. It was really surprising that NOW this is an issue. But when you look back to those beginning moments, before the press actually listened to Yours Truly, I believed that everyone had to make the choice for themselves.

Remember? Taoist here. I cannot control others.

And, for many of my coworkers (I can’t really call them ‘friends,’ can I?) they’d be sensitive to it and, well, stop eating there when I was around.

And my job was done. People, like my students, were learning.

Then came a few weeks ago, when I was talking to my neighbor. I told her that I was scared, still, about being so “OUT” to the world at large. Her response? “Well you have laws that protect you. You just can point out the discrimination.”

“Ah,” this old bear mentioned. “No. There’s no such laws.”

“Yes there is.”

She seemed to think that gays and lesbians have some kind of protection from harassment.

She was shocked when I pointed out that there was no such thing.

And this map proves my point.

Now, I’m writing this on the fly. Normally I’d have all the links of August first, when all the people in the world who hate me and my family went and ordered unnatural food. Not today.

I will point out, however, that my demeanor has changed. Probably going against my adopted religion here, but I’m tired, very tired of this mess. Upon further review, I found out some things about Chik-Fil-A’s CEO-personal Hitler, Dan Cathy. That money? That wasn’t just going to stop gay marriage.

It was going for other things as well….

To make sure Uganda’s kill-the-gays bills continue.

For damaging reparative therapies.

And to make sure my family doesn’t get equal rights.

In fact, my house purchase was held up because I’m married to a man. They didn’t recognize it. So everything got held up.

Now? I let emotion take control.

Chick-fil-a isn’t alone. I’ve published here before of several companies off my shopping list. Salvation Army. Wal-Mart (for nongay reasons as well). But to ruin my ability to live in a free society?

The deal is sealed.

I guess what bothered me the most was my friends, mostly on facebook. How they could say, “its just a sandwich. What about free speech?”

So that 1.99 they had just spent to make my life more difficult? Nice. So they’d be saying that my life, my husband isn’t worth that 1.99.


And I’m the bad guy?

Dannie can say what he wants (I’m sure he’s probably got a few skeletons in his closet, so that could explain volumes to why he’s such a wingnut), but when he starts using his money, then it becomes an issue.

How many teenagers have to die because of this kind of rhetoric? Apparently quite a few.

And I do apologize. I’m sorry my struggle to have equal standing with who are not like me is taking away from your ability to order food. 

Whoa. I guess I had some things I wanted to get out there.

Back to your regular scheduled programming.

Peace? I hope so….one day.


Some Things Are Just Disturbing

 I mean, like, why? Why does such crap and drivel like The Human Centipede exist. Well? It's probably like porn. Where everyone tires t...