Go ahead and read. My husOtter made burgers for dinner and those things smell here in the new house. I gotta go light a candle, that’ll afford you a moment. Unless you scream and start clawing out your eyes some. I guess it fits that I read this about chicken (no, not the boy kind, but the breast kind…wait, that doesn’t really work either…) and I’m about to eat hamburger.
I wanna draw attention to something annoying that the bigot who wrote the note initially mentions. That she feels picked on and discriminated against for being a Christian.
As she sees it, during the recent, “let’s let pop culture define what we’re feeling” flare up with Hate-fil-a, she went and got her fried breasts as a way of expressing how angry and put upon people are misjudging her. How she was being called a bigot for just doing what she believes.
Interesting way of looking at it.
Now? It’s time to get all Tao and Zen on her chicken, if I may.
But, ah, forgive me when I point out the obvious here—but if she feels discriminated against, truly, truly feels put out for mere existence, well…
….wouldn’t that mean she understands how it feels to be gay. To be African-American? To be, well, a woman? If it hit her on an emotional level, an empathic level, that means she would understand. She’d not SuperSize her waffle fries and go about how to make this world a better place, because, dangit, she knows what it feels like to be gleefully crapped upon by people you once thought you trusted.
No. She didn’t feel empathy when she was discriminated against. Instead? Strangely, she felt hungry. And that she needed to yell.
Amazing. Grant you, I like to eat when I’m upset too.
But, well, really?
Aesop to the Right: Why I Believe Bristol Palin | Owldolatrous
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