Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Campaign launched to oust high court justice


Well, since they’ve been trying a few years now, NOM is working on this again. Lemme draw your attention, however, to something I noticed in this article. 100K is being used to oust a high court justice who basically followed the law.

So if you follow the speed limit, screw it, the churchies are coming for you.

But then I reread the statement. 100K is being used to get a person out of office. Not to give to children starving. Not to enable free counseling for families in crisis; not even for divorce lawyers.

This is the way America is going. Now, on the Right Winger/Red State side of things, they claim that too many people are welfare, so, well, its time to tax them, the middle class but give tax breaks to the wealthy. Okay, so, this money? Who’s giving it to someone in NOM?

Oh. That’s right. People can get a tax break for donating to nonprofits. And since no one seems to have money lying around, it’s a good thing those “job-creators” have some cash lying around.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if the “job-creators” actually created jobs?

So, let’s recap. 100K to take down someone for doing their job.

Numb. I’m numb.


Campaign launched to oust high court justice

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