Monday, June 07, 2004

Okay, when have I done two posts in one day?

Alright, I'm going out of mind right now with the noise.

You know, like, when you have an itch insideyour ear. YOu can feel it movin' about, but can't do anything about it?

That's what it's like around here. There's all this, I don't know, activity going on upstairs and I can't concentrate. I detest the headphones, but they seem to be my only recourse right now. The noise is that it means something is going on upstairs. But my head throbs with the pounding, having no real place to go.

I can only imagine what the cat is experiencing.

I had set myself three daily goals for this summer. In that way, while I was off on summer vacation, I could grow a little. Mind, Body and SPirit.

Mind=reading and writing daily.

Body=exercise daily, excluding my daily Penelope excursion.

Spirit=daily meditation.

I guess, well, I am writing SOMETHING here. Let's just hope that the day gets better, shall we?

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