Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's your favorite color?

I suppose there is ome truth in this-some belief that people who like certain things like other certain things equally. It would make sense. Colors have long been linked to symbols of emotion, and since they are equivalent in some cultures, well, there you have it. The importance of stating your like your favorite color.

However, as I have grown older, the colors have changed. I'm not as to why. There was a time, when everything had to be blue, including my Slurpee. I couldn't eat raspberries in real life, but dang, I loved my blue razzberry lollipops. But, once, as I got older, i found a green sweater that cut me a better view and I noticed, I kinda like green a bit.

And no one held me to it. No one beat me up for liking both green and blue. I was into both and there was nothing. No violence, no color-guard to make me like one color.

What I did notice, however was a natural drawing to a specific spectrum. Blues, green and blacks tended to naturally pull my eyes to them. It wasn't until I was older that I got the picture. They had something in common.

The sea. The colors of the ocean. I loved their restful waves, their friendly apporach. My colors were now not a decision, but something that developed organically and wholly.

I like it over the pink triangle--a vulgar reminder of a days we should avoid thinking about frequently.

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