Sigh. Trust me, I’ll post more next week. I’ll have the time. THat includes Christmaskkah itself.
Sigh. Trust me, I’ll post more next week. I’ll have the time. THat includes Christmaskkah itself.
I’ve always believed this. Frequently, VERY frequently, I’ve mentioned, “straights? Straights don’t get the concept of marriage.”
And it’s very, very true. I mean, animals don’t get married. Think about. Why tie down to one, right? Humans? It became a business contract, almost from the start. And it keeps going that way. Sure, it happens, frequently, in church, as per personal preference, but, really, does it have to?
Gays get it. This is important to us, keeping our loved ones alive and safe and knowing that the government can’t treat us differently.
Good article. Enjoy.
Editor's Column: Gays, In Fact, Saved Marriage | The Contributor
Are we really that surprised? I mean, well, really?
When my coworker turned to me and said, “you need an ID to drive a car?”
“Where’d you hear that one?”
”Fox News.”
I knew then. You can’t make this crap up. Florida is too much of an important state to go through this crap, but we won’t hear about it for another four years, because the Dems down here are too anemic to do anything and our governor is a whiney pussyfoot.
Yes. Whiney.
But, are we really shocked? Next time? They’ll probably block all nonwhite voters and ‘mos.
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... |
….anyone in Canada can be mean.
Should have saw that one coming. It’s like Colorado Springs or Orange County, California or Orange County, Florida.
I have an excellent friend from there. I always wondered why he would want to leave such an awesome place.
Evidence, part one…
Just thought this was kinda cool. First? An African-American president. Now this. Nice to see the government reflecting its people for once.
This gives me another reason to use the term “douchecanoe” in a blog post on the same day.
He can give away free pizzas, but not healthcare. And RMoney wanted us to think that the wealthy cared for us in trickle down ways.
Hmmm, I see the love right away.
Papa John's Obamacare Costs Are Far Less Than Price Of Free Pizza Giveaway
I couldn’t have said it better myself. As my step-Dad and my brother whine about, um, whine, about, ah, well, something-something—they blindly followed RMoney’s rhetoric. For no reason.
And, when I say “reason” I mean, really, they had no REASON.
Words cannot express the hostility I feel for this righteous schmuck.
How do people still listen to him? Oh. He has the church and cash.
I think, really, part of the problem is that his followers know he’s something of a doodad and are scared wit-less to admit that they didn’t notice it at first.
Isn’t pride a sin?
So, let’s recap, shall we? Marriage equality is bad. Straight marriage is good. So good, you can even have a bit of whoopie for a sidedish, since you’re straight.
What a douchecanoe.
There is humanity left in the world. I will always believe that. I still see castles. I believe in flying cars.
And I know, sometimes, there are good people. They’re just very, very quiet.
Read and enjoy.
I’m struggling with this, on some level. Of course, I think it’s fine to have photo-ops in a campaign. I’m fine with people coming in and staging stuff, believe it or not. There’s safety (Lord knows, it is getting very easy to hate this faker) concerns to think about; it’s evident he has kids in tow.
And I was ready to dismiss it to the dustbin of whatever.
I have too many hours in my car at work. I got to thinking—‘but, well, Roo—aren’t soup kitchens run by churches?”
I’m okay with that too, frankly. Seems that the politicos don’t care for the poor, so someone has to, right? And a church has enough extra cash to get some more off the streets. Again, no worries. To keep that cash, they don’t pay taxes, as long as they don’t endorse any candidates.
I realized at that moment that, for one, my name tag had become unhooked and was driving itself into my chest with the seatbelt and, two, that soup kitchen had made a big no-no. A very big no-no.
This article supports my fears. Now that soup kitchen can lose money. Bad move, Mr. Ryan. Another bad move. He wants to support churches and corporations. I don’t agree. And now, here’s our evidence—he’s not really smart, is he? If he supposedly loves churches, why do this to them?
I’m just curious, if a volunteer let them in-who are all those people standing there? If they’re homeless, they seem awfully clean.
I’m seriously starting to dislike this man.
Seriously. Thumb through the itty bitty pictures and think…how many of those are allowed the crappily paid teachers of the universe? Benefits package? That was axed. Give time for balance? HA! How many lives, including my own, were destroyed when several weekends in a row were given over to doing work. Oh yeah, work at home…HA!
I’m not bitter, I’m not bitter, I’m not bitter.
And I’m happier now. But obviously, this model isn’t for all businesses. Seriously, I should take up politics. But my hatred for money and working for it kills that ambition.
If you haven’t been living under a rock, you have probably heard that RMoney wishes to cut PBS. It’s sad, really, that he sees something as awesome as Public Broadcasting, which costs a smidgen of the budget, as the enemy.
This is not a new idea. A Republican trying to cut something that doesn’t have a dollar sign.
Let’s remember. I went into teaching because I didn’t want to work for money. I don’t want dollar signs to be my motivation.
Here’s one of my heroes speaking to Congress. I miss him.
RMoney? Please don’t cut PBS.
Daily Kos: You WILL CRY watching Mister Rogers defend PBS in Congress
Let me tell you a story.
I stand by this statement. In fact, in many ways I stand behind freedom of speech more than some other rights afforded us as Americans.
When I was in college (this is the story part, my friends, in case you got lost in a sentence or two), my roommate’s girlfriend, was a gifted cartoonist. She made one of the most offensive cartoons I’d ever seen. If you knew me and my job, I should have been outraged. Furious.
But the school newspaper, with its young, hip (and very hot) editor, ran with it. It made massive controversy. Even I disagreed with the cartoon’s content.
The phone calls started to my room and hers. Nasty phone calls. Mean ones. I understood their anger. I agreed with them on many levels. But one phone caller (remember this was the late 80s, when we didn’t have caller ID), apparently someone who knew my major, asked, “how can you not say anything, Roo?”
“Freedom of speech and the press, dude."
No one was breaking any laws. As much as I disagreed with the message, she had every right to write it; they had every right to publish.
Just like this whole “Super PAC” bit. As much as I hate corporations, they have the right to express themselves and, yes, that means, they can give money. I don’t agree with them having any power, but in the eyes of the law AND this American, they can still do it.
I just have to remember not to listen.
Turning to even more current events, I agree with the President on this count. This is a stupid, vapid, arrogant video that says little and means nothing, other than to provoke. It’s a like a really bad Jon Waters movie-only those movies have a point (which is saying VOLUMES). Porn has more going on, as it were.
But it has a right to exist. Even if we don’t agree with it.
However, that does not mean other groups can go and kill people because it exists.
There, had my coffee this morning and felt like pointing that out.
President Obama to United Nations: ‘We Do Not Ban Blasphemy’
Ahhh, Colorado Springs.
Actually, the humor in this? The Right Wing is doing this. Are they afraid of something? And they are saying they are working for the county office. Are we truly shocked? Still, I’m just waiting for when I get out and vote. Wanna make a bet, this Out’Mo is going to be stopped?
I hope not.
Why isn’t this making a tour of the interwebs?
Dear Fate,
Let this story be true. Please? Just because it would fit. Of course, it probably isn’t. I’m not that stupid.
Secondly, please note the first sentence. “Ann R-Money’s plane.” This bothers me. Here’s how HelmetHead R-Money could get my vote. Pay off the US debt. Just use one of his debit cards. Puft. All gone. Sell, I don’t know, a few of those planes and car-elevator.
I suppose I could chalk this up to the famous cliche, “When I Was a Kid..”
But in all honesty, we still have prime time sitcoms. But this little clip is one for the ages. The Jetsons was about family in the future-future. Like all popular art, it reflects a simpler time, a life not complicated yet with immediate media and forced self-reflection. Sure, it talked about the future (still, I’m sad to say, no flying cars), but had a value-system that still had a nuclear family unit with 2.3 kids.
And, no, I wasn’t even born when it premiered in 1962, on this very date. But when it went into syndication, I was glued to it, even on Saturday mornings.
And we still have a nuclear family, but it has become social critic, like Family Guy or the Simpsons. Or, in the vein of these Jetsons, we have now have Futurama (which to me, surpasses many a television program for social commentary!)
So? Let’s not look to the old in disgust, but see the pure joy in old fashioned comedy. In this very famous clip, Judy, the teenage future-daughter sent in a poem for a lyrics-contest to be made into a song by a Justin Beiber kinda guy. Only her younger brother, Elroy, instead deleted the poem and substituted his own lyrics in an attempt to sabotage the context. The weird words won and the joke was on her little brother.
No violence. No insults. Old fashioned comedy. With a weird Tomorrowland-vibe. Float back for this bit of Roo-nostalgia.
As if this man needed another nail in the coffin that was his campaign.
I can see him saying this to a teacher. You don’t become a businessman without being strong willed.
Education’s funding has been cut every year, yet, private schools don’t get that. Private schools do better. Hmm? Weird how that works. And now? Getting cash, via vouchers, to go to the private schools, so they get MORE money?
Are we really shocked?
Here’s how I’d change education, if I may.
*) Use standardized testing that has already been normed to determine where kids are. Not the state testing that is written on the fly, changes yearly, and isn’t normed to the grade level being assessed. They are private companies, in the pockets of politicians, earning extra cash. Instead, look to exams like the IOWA basic and SATs.
---from there? Use it as a diagnostic tool to inform teacher decisions. Do not use it to cut funding, but, instead, to merely get a bead on kids.
*) Increase the salaries of teachers. Let’s go ahead and attract the best and the brightest. Private schools do it. They pay their teachers well. And look what happens? People aren’t going into education any more. Let’s get reasons to bring young people and, even, older ones, back into the fold.
*) Merit pay systems don’t work. Most people don’t go into teaching for cash. Think about it. Yes, this contradicts the last statement, but hold on. Knowing you have a middle class income for a while, you can focus on the non-monetary aspects of the job.
*) Look to the cultures that value education and see what happens. Europe has been enacting these kinds of things and yet, no one, no one seems to think that’s a good idea. It’s laughable. “We’re falling behind other countries in reading!” But we never sit down and ask what they are doing! If we did, we’d see a vastly different system that doesn’t seek to destroy teachers and make a buck off the plight of children. Watch the face of a Japanese person when an American tells them they are a teacher. There are deep bows and much respect. Here? “I didn’t ask you a question.” Rudeness is the respect given to an individual that is giving over her life to helping children achieve their potential.
I wonder how he’d treat other Americans? Or is this an example of what’s going to happen to the other 47%?
*) Enact the arts. Not all kids are book learners. Sports are going strong, so keep them. But where’s the Home Ec? Ah. They aren’t tested, and schools get funding for passing grades. That’s silly. Every kid is an individual. Let’s move to having more classes and more places to learn different topics.
*) Better food. Wanna know why kids are fat? Homes, not schools. But imagine if schools were offering plates of food that they need AND want?
*) Build schools. Teachers shouldn’t have to worry about the leak in the ceiling.
*) Yes, raise taxes to do this. It’d be something in the shortrun. This summer, the city of Colorado Springs sadly burned as the people there, a bastion of GOP wannabes, cut funding for fire departments. Looks like it didn’t help. Wonder how they feel about that now?
*) Cut the angry rhetoric, and yes, I’m looking at you R-Money. Wanna know why there’s shootings at schools? Open hatred. What if they fostered a willingness to collaborate?
*) Okay, I hate to bang on unions, but, truly, administration does need a bit more control over their personnel. Something does need to change over that. But how?
Ranting, done. I feel better now.
I just thought this was cool. Not mine, all rights reserved, etc. Plus, just seeing if I can post again.
Go ahead and read. My husOtter made burgers for dinner and those things smell here in the new house. I gotta go light a candle, that’ll afford you a moment. Unless you scream and start clawing out your eyes some. I guess it fits that I read this about chicken (no, not the boy kind, but the breast kind…wait, that doesn’t really work either…) and I’m about to eat hamburger.
I wanna draw attention to something annoying that the bigot who wrote the note initially mentions. That she feels picked on and discriminated against for being a Christian.
As she sees it, during the recent, “let’s let pop culture define what we’re feeling” flare up with Hate-fil-a, she went and got her fried breasts as a way of expressing how angry and put upon people are misjudging her. How she was being called a bigot for just doing what she believes.
Interesting way of looking at it.
Now? It’s time to get all Tao and Zen on her chicken, if I may.
But, ah, forgive me when I point out the obvious here—but if she feels discriminated against, truly, truly feels put out for mere existence, well…
….wouldn’t that mean she understands how it feels to be gay. To be African-American? To be, well, a woman? If it hit her on an emotional level, an empathic level, that means she would understand. She’d not SuperSize her waffle fries and go about how to make this world a better place, because, dangit, she knows what it feels like to be gleefully crapped upon by people you once thought you trusted.
No. She didn’t feel empathy when she was discriminated against. Instead? Strangely, she felt hungry. And that she needed to yell.
Amazing. Grant you, I like to eat when I’m upset too.
But, well, really?
Aesop to the Right: Why I Believe Bristol Palin | Owldolatrous
Well, since they’ve been trying a few years now, NOM is working on this again. Lemme draw your attention, however, to something I noticed in this article. 100K is being used to oust a high court justice who basically followed the law.
So if you follow the speed limit, screw it, the churchies are coming for you.
But then I reread the statement. 100K is being used to get a person out of office. Not to give to children starving. Not to enable free counseling for families in crisis; not even for divorce lawyers.
This is the way America is going. Now, on the Right Winger/Red State side of things, they claim that too many people are welfare, so, well, its time to tax them, the middle class but give tax breaks to the wealthy. Okay, so, this money? Who’s giving it to someone in NOM?
Oh. That’s right. People can get a tax break for donating to nonprofits. And since no one seems to have money lying around, it’s a good thing those “job-creators” have some cash lying around.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if the “job-creators” actually created jobs?
So, let’s recap. 100K to take down someone for doing their job.
Numb. I’m numb.
Okay, okay, okay. What do I do this to myself?
Paul Ryan Virtually A Zero at the Human Rights Campaign |
I mean, really. It’s like looking at those NSFW videos over on and then hoping that it really is? No, it’s like seeing if you have the fortitude to walk away unscathed. Unruffled by the horror presented before you. As if to say, “see? I’m manly enough, that was nothing.”
So I clicked on this link and read the article. Yep. All the horrors there that I expected.
I didn’t see any mention that he still thinks the earth is flat, but, judging by his other choices and comments, we can pretty much figure that one out.
Maybe, however, I went to that webpage to just, I don’t know, hope that he was slightly different than R-Money. That Uncle Mittens would try to play his opposite, to attract more voters, and have someone who didn’t waffle on everything; someone who was slightly more moderate, to get those middle ground voters moving his way.
R-Money, instead, went with the conservative base. Makes sense. Churches bus these people to the polling places, folks.
I wish, deep down, that we’d rid ourselves from the party system, really. Just open up the field and let everyone just go to town. Less money, more personality. Maybe it’s just me, but I like to think that many people vote conservative just because there’s a GOP on the label, frankly. They don’t think. If they did, or, at least, know how to read, they’d not vote for them. It’s like, well, they’re not for Obama, so they vote the opposite, never really thinking. It’s okay NOT to like the president. But really, to vote FOR someone you know is bad, just because they aren’t him? Whoa.
But I know many on the right side, many conservatives (have you seen my family? They think it’s 1954 still); but they aren’t the base that the GOP is pandering too. In fact, I don’t see them in any Republican “way.” But that’s the way they’ve voted; that’s the way they’re going to vote.
And people wonder why I stopped going over there for the holidays.
So, yeah, there was this glimmer of hope, quickly dashed, that Mr. Ryan might have something nice to say.
I hate being an “one-issue” voter. But until I feel equal, I float to the side that will respect my marriage with fortitude.
NOM Defends Biblical Marriage, Including Slavery, Concubines, Polygamy, And Rape | ThinkProgress
I have long wondered about the misleading title, “National Organization of Marriage.” It’s mission, according to it’s website, is a bit nebulous. I see Kirk Cameron, many things about keeping marriage going and, well, that’s about it. My guess is that the group likes marriage between man and a woman, but it claims to defend Biblical marriage.
Okay, cool, I understand that. But further investigation of the website shows nothing about the leading causes of marriage breakdown that research supports. Divorce doesn’t seem to be mentioned (it is a text rich site). There are no mention of the three leading causes of divorce in America: lack of communication (most men and women are brought up with unrealistic expectations of the partnership and few have the coping skills to help it survive); money (the largest, IMHO); and cheating. So, to combat that National Organization of Marriage goes ahead and…
…fights gay marriage?
Not only that, they swear they are upholding the Biblical version of marriage. The ones listed, if you wish for a quick glance (there is nothing quick about marriage…), there’s a infographic imbedded in the article that spawned my writing.
I’m all for old books giving us insight into the present. In fact, I do believe the Bible has a great many things to say about our life at present. We shouldn’t kill, period. No more wars, people. Heck, I read Taoist poetry. That’s even older than the Bible. But I find the meaning of it. I don’t have someone do it for me.
But really, no more shellfish? Okay, for my friend who’s allergic, I’ll give you that; my dad, who is Jewish, him, too.
No more pork? WHAT? What about ribs????
Ahh, those principals illustrate an outdated system. So those they can pick and choose to avoid.
But marriage is a different kettle of fish, right?
The fact is, when the Bible was written, it was meant when there were few Christians in the world. They needed to create the rules to keep everyone having babies. Take a look at it. No touching yourselves; no contraceptives. Makes sense. And since gays can’t make the newer Christians, they should be outlawed, right?
David Cross has a great comment about the Bible:
It just bothers me to no end that people are still having issues with my marriage. I would rather they say, “you’re gross Roo! I don’t like the idea of two men being together!” Than using the Good Book to make others hate me for no reason at all.
Colorado had protections for gays and lesbians in the workplace and housing until 1992, and no one said a word about it. Then, because someone needed a platform—and didn’t want to deal with economy or job creation-amendment two was written and voted for. No one cared until that point. And it has been happening again and again.
So, if you eat at Chick-fil-hate or follow NOM, I guess your version of marriage is going to be very, very different from the rest of the world.
First off, sorry about being away from my computer. Family was visiting (which is prone for the course when you live in Florida!) and then I decided I needed a new house.
These things take time, friends, they really do.
I stumbled across this wee map here and I realized I’d not chimed in on the Chik-fil-a debate like everyone else has these days. I knew about Dan Cathy’s belief that the Earth Was Still Flat, Thinking is the Devil’s Work philosophy for a few eons. I never ate there. I refused his food when it was catered.
But, here’s the thing, I let others go there. If they suggested eating there for a meeting-lunch-thing, I’d go, I’d just being my own food. It was really surprising that NOW this is an issue. But when you look back to those beginning moments, before the press actually listened to Yours Truly, I believed that everyone had to make the choice for themselves.
Remember? Taoist here. I cannot control others.
And, for many of my coworkers (I can’t really call them ‘friends,’ can I?) they’d be sensitive to it and, well, stop eating there when I was around.
And my job was done. People, like my students, were learning.
Then came a few weeks ago, when I was talking to my neighbor. I told her that I was scared, still, about being so “OUT” to the world at large. Her response? “Well you have laws that protect you. You just can point out the discrimination.”
“Ah,” this old bear mentioned. “No. There’s no such laws.”
“Yes there is.”
She seemed to think that gays and lesbians have some kind of protection from harassment.
She was shocked when I pointed out that there was no such thing.
And this map proves my point.
Now, I’m writing this on the fly. Normally I’d have all the links of August first, when all the people in the world who hate me and my family went and ordered unnatural food. Not today.
I will point out, however, that my demeanor has changed. Probably going against my adopted religion here, but I’m tired, very tired of this mess. Upon further review, I found out some things about Chik-Fil-A’s CEO-personal Hitler, Dan Cathy. That money? That wasn’t just going to stop gay marriage.
It was going for other things as well….
To make sure Uganda’s kill-the-gays bills continue.
For damaging reparative therapies.
And to make sure my family doesn’t get equal rights.
In fact, my house purchase was held up because I’m married to a man. They didn’t recognize it. So everything got held up.
Now? I let emotion take control.
Chick-fil-a isn’t alone. I’ve published here before of several companies off my shopping list. Salvation Army. Wal-Mart (for nongay reasons as well). But to ruin my ability to live in a free society?
The deal is sealed.
I guess what bothered me the most was my friends, mostly on facebook. How they could say, “its just a sandwich. What about free speech?”
So that 1.99 they had just spent to make my life more difficult? Nice. So they’d be saying that my life, my husband isn’t worth that 1.99.
And I’m the bad guy?
Dannie can say what he wants (I’m sure he’s probably got a few skeletons in his closet, so that could explain volumes to why he’s such a wingnut), but when he starts using his money, then it becomes an issue.
How many teenagers have to die because of this kind of rhetoric? Apparently quite a few.
And I do apologize. I’m sorry my struggle to have equal standing with who are not like me is taking away from your ability to order food.
Whoa. I guess I had some things I wanted to get out there.
Back to your regular scheduled programming.
Peace? I hope so….one day.
This is the gift of a great writer. His words hit the note about this tragedy.
Christopher Nolan Statement -- Speaks About Tragic Shooting
I wish I could say more. I will say this, people, and that is…don’t watch the news right now. Really. Don’t. I accidentally left the news on after Judge Judy. I was vacuuming, getting ready for some visitors and, well, there you have it. I had the captions on. So I couldn’t escape the headlines of this awful event. Then I thought, what the heck?
This is the lead on the five pm news? That makes no sense. So I watched a bit more and realized they had no new information. So, basically, they were riding on the fact that no one knew that this had happened? That’s malarkey.
Unless they were weird.
Now I took my older brother to the premiere of Batman in 1989, yes, at midnight. The first man I ever kissed was after Batman Returns in 1992! I could have been at that midnight showing.
So its hitting me harder than some. Now it is easy for me to walk away from the news. It’s an Election Year. And if the news doesn’t irk me, then the mudslinging commercials do. And let’s not forget, media news is a business. A corporation. And, despite what Mitt Romney wants you to think-it isn’t a person. It’s a machine that is created around playing commercials so you’ll buy stuff. I watch the news, when I do, to see the weather. That’s about it. Oh, and what BradJelina are doing. But beyond that? Squat.
Here’s a clip, I think, that really does understand this sad assault on the public:
I don’t dare post this on FB. Too many of my family and friends, greatly affected by the proximity of this tragedy, would flip out on me. And they should. It is a tragedy and they should be mad. But, I think with my moving to Florida, I have a bit more physical and emotional “space” to see the spin this event is going to create. It’s vulgar. My family and friends don’t need to have this horrid things relive, like some kind of Frankenstein’s Monster, so that a new pair of crocs can be run on the screen again.
As to what will happen to this man? I cannot imagine. If we let him live, we cannot satisfy our anger. If we kill him, then to what will we have learned? He killed, we kill—so that makes us the same as him, not above him.
I will admit, along with a gay version of Lolita I shelved due to the subject matter just being too risque that I was not comfortable with it—I also had a text and outline about a mass murderer not unlike Nathan Dunlap and Columbine Killers. Again, I was, heck, I still am, too entrenched to write those works or pick them up again. Maybe I should? I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to understand how someone could do such things and then put their gun down afterwards and just simply be arrested, yet never truly explain why he does what he does.
Maybe. One day. Please, let’s be safe out there.
Now, this is what I’m talking about…
I wrote a zombie novel myself, so this show holds a special place in my heart.
The fact is, horror is a terrific way to explore allegory. With or without the emphasis on the “gory.” It’s an opportunity to see the world and to try to symbolize it into more direct terms. Science fiction and fantasy also have that option.
One thing I have noticed (gee, I’m learning a lot lately. What’s the cliché? Something about an old dog turning new tricks???), between the husOtter and myself, my fiction preferences tends towards the realistic. I love to read highly dramatic literature, weather its true crime, thrillers, horror or nonfiction. My Better Half? He goes for the World Building stuff, Orson Scott Card; Mission to Mars, Lord of the Rings. In the end, it is the story that counts and we switch sometimes, but says something about our character, I believe.
Lastly, it should be duly noted, I hate television. I watch movies on television; I will watch The Price Is Right or Judge Judy when time allows. I will watch the Daily News and the Colbert Report if I need news, but I will not play into the corporate machine that is reporting. I’ll listen to NPR for that. And, as such, I don’t DVR anything. I don’t like a computer deciding what I find entertaining, I should come to the table hungry and know what I need, and if I don’t, there’s no reason an unloving computer should decide that.
I will sometimes watch the morning news for weather and emergencies. For every rule, there is an exception.
But this show? I’ll watch. I’ll sit down, bowl of popcorn, corgi in my lap and really pay attention. Like they did in the forties with radio shows. I won’t even answer the phone. Not even if its Ma. And her house is on fire.
Here ya go…its even mentioned in the WSJ…
More Retailers Are Courting Gay Customers -
I was torn where to post this….but then I realized, well, it should go where I have the most traffic…
You Would Never Believe Which Anti Gay Corporations You've Been Supporting With Your Money
What’s humorous is that I have refused to go to many of these companies, regardless.
1. Chikfila? I’ve hated their food and now, moreso.
2. Exxon? Easy to avoid.
3. Avoid those bell ringers at Salvation Army. I knew, back in the early nineties when they would refuse to help people suffering from AIDS, regardless of orientation. Boom. Off my list.
4. Urban Outfitters only has clothes for thin people anyways.
5. I’ve hated WalMart for other reasons. They’re the reason so many are on welfare and the need for insurance reform. They refuse to pay decent wages. They refuse unions, to the point where they’ll close a store where there is one and open another up the street and not hire those people. We went there once in 2011, due to the fact it was 2am and the dog was sick and I had no other place to go. It was awful, just awful. I wanted to stab myself in the eyes with rusty kitchenware.
6. A-1 storage? Never heard of them. Now I won’t go to them.
I am fully aware I’ve not gone ahead and written a review yet for Magic Mike, but I stumbled across this tasty morsel of filmdom. Between theater and film, there’s very little crossover. You can improv on stage. In fact, it’s a skill that you might wish to have set away. Movies, in contrast, are massively scripted, to make sure every dollar appears on the screen. So these little snippets are moments outside the lines, a glimpse of the professionalism and ability of the assorted performers-and the filmmakers who left these items in the finished product.
Oh, where do I begin…
For those who know me, you know that education is one of my passions and how I detest the school voucher system. Seemingly for forever, Christians have wanted the funds from public schools to follow them into their private schools, using the money to pay for their churches. Churches that don’t pay taxes. Basically, getting the funding they want for free, under the guise of “vouchers.”
SInce the schools can’t be monitored, those schools can pick and choose who they hire (you’re black? Too bad. Asian Buddhist? Sorry, no) and which students they allow in the doors (we’re not wheelchair accessible! Sorry!).
And now we have proof. Since schools are all or nothing situations, meaning everyone in America gets a free education, even Islamic children have the right to go to a school of their faith and family’s choosing. And, well, we have our evidence with this article.
This also goes to show you how well those in government are truly educated. This young lady probably also went to a private, Christian academy. It was such a good school, she didn’t have the forethought to imagine what the ramifications were for her vote. What a loss.
Please, people, think before voting…
Wildfire Tests Police Force in Colorado Anti-Tax Movement’s Home - Bloomberg
Having lived in this hellhole of a town (I keep thinking it is time to blog why I left, so that its out there and people know what they did…) this makes sense. I remember that historic vote. How, sponsored by churches and GOP stalwarts, they cut the budgets of police forces and, well, firefighters.
And when I saw the news and heard the phone calls, I knew this would come up. Would things be different with more firefighters available?
You bet your ass it would have been different.
So now? The Naked City that doesn’t want to spend money or depend on the government will have to turn around and ask for Federal assistance. They already have to call out the National Guard. Get a fucking clue, people.
Sorry. Bitter. They hurt me.
Anderson Cooper: "The Fact Is, I'm Gay." - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast
Here I was, writing about Tom Cruise, and this happens. I’m am very, very glad that Mr. Cooper has come out, frankly, but I understand and can respect his hesitancy. I just finished the EW article they talked about and how the whole process of coming out has changed. But, at the same time, is it truly necessary?
It shouldn’t be.
Where I’m torn is that kids need role models. They really do. And people in the public eye can do a world of good, if, in some way, let teens today know, well, basically, “it gets better.”
I can respect Anderson. He kept quiet because he could be hanged in Saudi Arabia. The mere fact that he continues to talk to Kathy Griffin is evidence of his queer-ness besides.
I am working on a novel and, one day, would love to have a bestseller. And I think about my partner of 12 years and what that kind attention would do to him. He is a massively private man (yet strangely, can make friends every twenty feet…blindfolded) and doesn’t deserve to be thrusted out into the public like that. We joke about me once thinking about becoming a pastor. He would have to be, like the First Lady, the Pastor’s Wife. There are many unwritten but totally expected aspirations of that role. Things that were not mentioned within the wedding vows.
So, good for your Anderson. Now? Go back to being the man we get our news from. God, he looks like my college roommate. And I crushed on him too.
See? He’s cute too. I’m not an idiot. He’s difficult NOT to admire in that aspect.
Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Divorce: Couple To Split After 5 Years Of Marriage
Third time’s a charm. Please note: National Organization of Marriage, who, supposedly, wants to preserve the institution of marriage, has said very little about this upcoming divorce. We’re talking popular culture, here, folks. Tom is, frankly, one of the more bankable stars in Hollywood. He does have the ability to pick the scripts that he wants; he tend to pick bigger pictures that ring in the dough for the Hollywood snob studios (you know, the ones who think they are being robbed of their third and fourth houses…)
When it comes to the accusations of homosexuality, I’ve been very, very patient. However, these rumors fly again and again about Tom and John Travolta. It bothers me that they even come up at all. First off? Who the heck cares, really?
If they are gay, think of the message they’re sending. I mean, they’re basically saying its not okay and they need to hide it forever and ever. As much as I want to play this down, when someone has the ability to stop the hurt and show the world you can be gay AND bankable (a reality that is coming to light…see Neil Patrick Harris et al).
But enough is enough already. There’s a fuck-ton of news out there. Can we report on starving children, the uprising in Syria, the impact of ObamaRomneyCare?
LIke I’m much better. Look at me. I’m blogging about it. Oh well, it’s a Saturday.
Supreme Court upholds health-care law, individual mandate - The Washington Post
Okay, I usually step aside and leave my other blog for more political commentary, but the fact is, this one isn’t getting much traffic these days. So, well, why not post about what is aggravating me and see if it riles up someone to respond to it?
I have to admit my hesitancy in supporting the President before this year. I remember a bevy of campaign promises and the anti-gay agenda of the GOP and, so, painted into a corner, I sorta HAD to vote for him. Then I noticed things weren’t getting any better. Then, suddenly, he announced he’d stop supporting DOMA. Then, he nails out "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Lastly, he comes out in support of Marriage Equality.
And I’m swayed. Frankly, I think I’m okay. I think it is okay, even as a democrat, to question the president. And my problems with Mr. Obama were not like my issues with Mr. Bush. The last president appeared as a bully, yelling, YELLING about how he hated gays and lesbians. My issue was with this president, at least, appearing to do something for my culture and group.
Then this all happened.
I use this as a preface to the article at the top of this. I saw a while ago the movie, “Sicko,” by Michael Moore. Yeah. I know. You know you’re a dem when you watch Moore’s comedies (which is, why, well, his movies are a bit more watchable) and like them. But it really got me researching. I couldn’t believe the message it had been sending.
Now I work and play in the Deep South. And it is humorous. Most are down here are living off the government’s dime but feel that we shouldn’t. The irony is a bit painful to watch.
But we need coverage for everyone. It is getting silly the amount help costs. I get tired of the argument, usually coming from the lips of someone who labels themselves a “good Christian,” that—“we need to get those people off of welfare!” I thought religion was about caring for one another. So, instead of stopping and saying a statement like, “get them out!” Why aren’t we asking, “what can we do to help those in need?” Yes, there are some who are greedily sucking from the teat of government (there’s an image that’ll stay with you), but we should probably find out why they have failed so hard in the mainstream. What message have we sent out as a society to get people to that point? Have we given them ample opportunity to succeed? Can they find a job? Usually no. And when the cycle has repeated itself over and over, no wonder.
I am glad to hear the Supreme Court supported this, I guess. I wish it didn’t have to come to this, but, well, now that people can feel secure in their health some, maybe things might change here? It’s an idea.
There. Back to your regular programming.
You can see the natural sense of comic timing and performance these “handlers” have. Too awesome!
Just to test to see if this works.
And, in the end, I just gotta say, have you ever wondered why true joy looks like? Look at this video.
I mean, like, why? Why does such crap and drivel like The Human Centipede exist. Well? It's probably like porn. Where everyone tires t...